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Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Joined: 17 Feb 2004
Posts: 63
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Pobral sem si "Web Wiz Forums" z bazo podatkov "Microsoft SQL Server 2000".

Sedaj pa me zanima, kako lahko dostopam, do "Microsoft SQL Server 2000", da bi kreiram bazo podatkov preko ene izmed spletnih strani. Na kratko povedano se mi je zaustavilo pri 2. točki!

Navodila za namestitev se glasijo:
1. Check with your web host that your web space is running on Windows NT4, 2000, 2003 operating system, with IIS 4+ and is ASP enabled. You will also need an MS SQL Server database to run this version. Web Wiz Forums will NOT run on a Unix/Linux web server! Please read 'Forum Requirements' for a full list of server requirements for this software.

2. Make sure that you have access to an SQL Server Database.

3. Unzip the Forum zip file onto your hard drive keeping the files and images in there original directories.

4. Upload the files and images through FTP to your webspace, again keeping the files and images in there directories. With ASP you don't need to place the files in a CGI bin.

5. Create a database on the SQL Server or use an excising one.

6. Edit the file 'SQL_server_connection.asp' found in the admin directory entering your SQL Server name, your SQL Server Authentication details, and the name of the empty database you have created for the Forum on the SQL Server.

7. Run the file 'msSQL_server_setup.asp' found in the main folder of the Forum. This file will create all the tables, relations, and default values in the empty database you have created on the SQL Server. It is highly recommend for security purposes that you delete this file from the Web Server once the database is fully created.

8. The Forum database should now be created and you can now use the Forum.

9. Once all the files are uploaded and the database created on the SQL

10. Server point your web browser to the location on your web space where you uploaded the forum to.
Now that your forum is uploaded and running see, Setting up and Administering the Discussion Forum, to find out how to set up forums and administer your forum.

P.S. Preko nadzorne plošče nisem nič kaj takega dobil, da se bi povezovalo z kreiranjem uporabniških imen in gesel. Ali je sploh možno preko tega postopka uporabiti omenjeno bazo podatkov?

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MS SQL je MSDE varijanta, zato uporabnikom ne smemo ponujati nadzorne konzole, ker bi s tem kršili licenco. MS SQL MMC je na voljo uporabnikom DediWeb paketov s polnim dostopom do strežnika.

Za kreiranje baz in uporabnikov v MS SQL strežniku nam sporočite želje na [email protected] in uredili bomo zadeve namesto vas:
- kreiranje baze
- kreiranje uporabnika
Porabljen prostor za bazo podatkov gre v kvoto vašega računa, pač kot vam jo ponuja ponudnik storitev.

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000
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